During the whole con it seemed I was surrounded by photographers. Which, well, I was. I get asked for photos a lot ( no idea why, I feel a bit like an exhibit half the time, ) but usually people tend to use flash and the like, so for someone who's already basically the palest boy-man in southern California, well...
Big props to Aaron Munter ( @Munter ) and Molly McIsaac ( @MollyMcIsaac ) for getting the images I always like the most. Their pictures are always pretty and I usually end up begging to have them take photos of me licking men ( Yes I do that, well only to Rich Johnston, shut up, ) and doing stupid things in the name of art or alcohol. Often both.

You can find a slew of Aaron's images, of me and other pros etc here, and Molly's, ( who also shoots for iFanboy ) are here. If you see these guys at cons, ask them to take your photo or arrange proper shoots with them as I believe both are available for lots of this sort of thing. They be good.

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