Well it's almost ( or maybe as you read this already is, ) DONE. 2009 was a bitch of a year for many of us, not that I'm sure it didn't have some high points as well. Michael Jackson died, thus providing us with the biggest opportunity to make bad jokes in history. Rush Limbaugh and Richard Cheney, sadly, decided to stay with us.
First and foremost, I want to thank all you guys who read me online and more importantly, choose to know my work. Without you I am nothing.
2009 for me was a mixed bag for me. At one point, I was almost completely burned out as I was being asked to do far more than I could handle really. It was an episode that really made me examine where I'd come from and where I was going. The business side of what I do ( which apparently not many artists do really think about? ) and to start taking some firm steps in the right directions now I have the opportunities to do so. It was a dark time, with the light of a brave new world at the end...and that's what 2010 will be all about.
I got my first real break from deadline stress in 6 or 7 years with a month or so off and it was fantastic to recharge the batteries. I traveled the world. To places both new and familiar. Brazil was an absolute blast and I hope to go back. The UK, well, I've realized where my actual spiritual home is. At some point, I'm moving to the UK to live for awhile, that much is certain! My first New York Comic-con was also a highlight. Not only did I meet so many awesome people I now keep in touch with, it's the best con I've done in a long time. On to Chicago ( also put on by Reed Exhibits ) and NYCC again next year!
2009 was the year of Groom Lake ( I'd always resolved to work on something with Chris Ryall as I loved Zombies vs Robots so much! He's a talented bugger he is ) and of course, the year something I actually wrote apparently got a movie option, with Welcome to Hoxford. So I guess I can consider myself some sort of actual "writer" now.
Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse is going through a lot of growing pains. 2009 saw the first Deviant Edition released ( or hardcover, to the boring types ) and it basically sold out pretty damn quick! Good news is that 2010 will see Wormwood volume 2 get the same treatment. Volumes 1 and 2 also finally got yet more reprints, ( volume 1 had it's 6th I think, 7th if you include a special printing for a book club ) as it's extremely hard to keep in stock, apologies to you all. Not my fault! It's something I've been trying to fix to little avail. The new printings are already well below what they started with, so I was told, so get in quick if you need to order some. Other than the V2 Deviant Edition, no new Wormwood books will be on the horizon for me til some stuff is sorted out.
I also got 2 covers into a "covers of the decade thing," which, considering I'm not exactly a big cover artist guy, is rather spiffy!
Last but not least, some of my stuff has made it to the Sony PSP ( Sony, who I'm honoured to say really dig Wormwood ) and iphone...if stuff isn't already out, it will be early next year.
So on to 2010 I say. Where we'll see how CHOKER, my new book, written by the force of nature that is Ben McCool will be coming out from Image comics, who've supported it in amazing ways so far. Be on the look out for issue 1 late February.
The new year will see a dedicated online store for all sorts of stuff of mine finally go live, over at www.templesmitharts.com, including a bunch of original art, prints, t-shirts and phone skins and stuff... plus hopefully some online/convention exclusive books I'm going to do up all myself.
And yup, if you don't know where to find me, here's a quick list of where I'm at. I tend to get around and have finally succumbed to the horror that is Facebook. ( Since I get a lot of responses there from my twitter feed! ) Infact, I've started the FANCY PANTS group for all my stuff. Expect actual fancy pants memorabilia and SPACE SQUID stuff exclusively for it too.
Have a great new year guys. Welcome to the decade.
Facebook- me
Facebook- the Ben Templesmith Fancy Pants group
Deviant Art
And, as ever, send questions, compliments and notes of damnation to: contact@templesmithartsdotcom
1 comment:
All the best for you in 2010, Ben!
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