Emma, Antony, some git and Mr Diggle. Photo by the always awesome Jock. This was the afterparty for the ThoughBubble Festival up in Leeds. One of the best/busiest cons I've ever done. Short though, only one day!

Shifty bastards. Hatching plans.

This is what 4am pizza looks like. Essad Ribic, Andy Tong, Al Ewing and a few others. I didn't get any sleep at Leeds. These people know how to drink and they just don't stop!

You could say we had a good turnout. Infact, I WILL say we had a good turnout. This was for the panel I did at Thoughtbubble.

My line didn't stop for 6 hours. Quite possibly the most signings I've done in one day apart from maybe a really busy day at SDCC. It was insane.

It's not a monkey, it's an ape. Took this photo just to ensure I hadn't taken drugs, that it actually did exist.

Lucky me, I never had a reputation to uphold.
This was actually a rather sweat laden "wizards wig".
Things you do in a pub at 2am.

Any bar/club that has a Dalek in it is my sort of place.

Kirk porn on the walls.

My sort of weather.

My NYC 11am Guinness during a photoshoot with Ben McCool.

Up high in a building during a meeting. I would get NO work done if this was my office.

I ended my NYC trip in this bar. We even got a free round because the barman was a comic guy and had too much fun overhearing our comic book bitching/stories. He's sworn to secrecy though.

Just before my little comic book chat thing in London for Comica. ( Phil is the director of Heartless, among other things )

Drinking with Declan, Al, Jock and some crafty bugger named Dingle.
London Expo is always a blast. Definitely planning on going back next year.
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