Houston. I came in for Comicpalooza, a 2 day convention. The people were amazingly friendly... and no one sounded Texan! It's like the city sanity forgot though. No public transport, no cabs...no nothing except privately owned cars and poor city planning. I'm not one to enjoy wasting a lot of my life in a car getting from A to B in a massively sprawling place. Saw lots of boarded up buildings right downtown too. Saddened me greatly.

I signed boobs for someone. Officially my third pair, though... the other two were actual flesh and blood.
Signed a complete run of FELL. All FELL issues get a Snowtown tag on them too. Figured it was always a nice little extra. Hope Warren doesn't mind me defacing the books that way.
At a dinner before the con, we did Chinese food. We had fortune cookies. This was mine. Yes, am pretty sure it's telling me I should have a wank.

I did a few commissions at Comicpalooza over the weekend. I even took step by step photos of a couple. Here's Nick Fury pencils...

Basic inks...
Water colour to flesh out the final piece. As well as white lines to tighten the thing up a bit. If you dig this commission and are in London next weekend, May 29th-30th I'll be doing more at the
LONDON MCM EXPO. First come first served! All are painted up like this. I can only do commissions at cons right now sadly, so this is your only chance. I do A4 ( or US equivalent ) for £100 A3/ 11x17 inch size for £200 And sketch card headshots are £15
Nice drawing Ben. How do you make the white painting, by the way? Is it ink or?
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