As promised, part twoooooo.
Guess who got actual preview copies of SQUIDGIRLS into his hot little hands today?
Yup, it's *almost* here...
I should almost certainly have the first copies available for the London MCM Expo ( May 29th-30th and if you want one they'll cost £35, not cheap, sorry! ) and it'll have it's US debut at Heroes con down in Charlotte, North Carolina ( June 4th-6th )
There are 3 cover versions, Humboldt, Colossal and Kraken... only one of which will be available eventually on my website. You'll have to grab one at a con if you want the other two covers! ( And a much cheaper option anyway, considering postage. )
And yup, tip in plate, signed and numbered with original sketch in each one of these suckers.
Now back to the grind stone. Part 2 preview coming soon.
Hope you guys like what you see. Huzzah!

Looks cool, mate. Hopefully I can snag a copy.
Will see you at MCM with thirty-five sterling in my sweaty paws...
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