Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm an Iron Gelatomettista Challenger

Over at the Wildstorm Gelatometti blog I'm taking on none other than the great Carlos D'Anda in a draw off. Y'know, like Iron Chef but with less food, less English subtitles and less blatantly sexual shots of women's lips eating fishy things rather slowly. It's with drawing instead.

Check out their blog and add your imput
on what we should draw if you like. ( Some villain of some kind would be nice ) The drawing begins this afternoon Pacific US time, and we get one hour to do our best before you guys judge the results. I'll post another link so you know where to go vote.

Thus far it seems most people want us to draw Warren Ellis.

Update: It most definitely won't be Warren. Besides, I already drew him while in France.

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