It appears the gods of good fortune have again decided for the fourth year in a row to flip some of their spare change my way, and I've been nominated for an
Eisner Award in the Best Painter or Multimedia Artist (interior art) catagory for my work on WORMWOOD: GENTLEMAN CORPSE, FELL and 30 DAYS OF NIGHT: RED SNOW. Not going to win up against the great artists also there, but it's an honor to even be in the mix.
And also got a nom for the
Eagle awards, from the UK, also in the painted art catagory. ( For them you can directly vote via the link, but no, I won't tell you who to vote for...nudge nudge, wink wink etc )
A huge thanks to anyone and everyone who have gotten me thus far.
1 comment:
thats great news i hope you win i love your work. can't wait to see what's next. bye 4 now
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