As usual, the odds of seeing a copy on your retailers shelf is nowhere near as high as the next Spider-man or X-men you have to tell them you really want one of these suckers. Tell em the diamond order code is: JAN094293
Then with luck, in March when the book actually comes out, you'll have your very own copy of gray alien area 51 conspiracy porn. Not only that, but writer Chris Ryall & I will blow you kisses or something like that. We will be your BFF's.
No, really. We will.
EDIT:'s something I forgot to mention that i only just learned... they're breaking it up a month so that once people actually see #1 THEN they can order #2 and go from there...rather than ording a #2 with no idea if #1 is even any good...which is the way comics are usually put out! It's an interesting strategy but I had no part in the decision to do it. Am curious if it will make a difference.
Is Groom Lake going to be a bi-monthly title? Or will it come out when it's ready? I noticed there was no solicitation for #2 in the February Preview. (I got #1 ordered at my LCS)
Actually...that's something I forgot to mention that i only just learned... they're breaking it up a month so that once people actually see #1 THEN they can order #2 and go from there...rather than ording a #2 with no idea if #1 is even any good...which is the way comics are usually put out! It's an interesting strategy but I had no part in the decision to do it. Am curious if it will make a difference.
As a retailer (one who always orders lots of your work for the shelf, btw), I can say that the delayed #2 is greatly helpful to us, as it lets us see how #1 is doing before we need to order #2.
IDW did the same thing with GI Joe #0 and GI Joe #1, and it was incredibly helpful in gauging orders, which were higher than they otherwise might have been.
Thanks for that awesome feedback Randy! Yep, I'm very keen to know what helps the retailers...ultimately that helps us all.
I may actually be up in Austin for SxSW so let me know if maybe I can sinc anything up to help out your store etc.
Actually, I saw you were gonna be at SXSW, but didn't want to infringe on what looks like a quick visit.
But yeah, if you've got time for a quick signing, a store visit or even maybe a friendly beer downtown, I'd love to take the time. Drop me a line ( if you've got a hole in your schedule when you've got it all sorted out.
so...does that mean #2 comes out a month later than it normally would? 2 months between #1 and #2?
@J basically yes.
@Karel Nope, only gap is between #1 and #2.
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