The signing was organized for me by the mysterious Z, and I got to meet one of my fanboy idols, Darick Robertson who not only drew TRANSMETROPOLITAN, one of my all time favourite books, with current Great Khan of the comic book Golden Horde, Warren Ellis, but currently does the art on the magnificent comic, THE BOYS, with Garth Ennis. If you've never read either, I highly recommend both. Fine chap that he is, he even tolerated my crap sense of humour!
And as you will see from the pictures...took much glee with putting guns to people's heads as well.
Darick was a top bloke, the signing, though small, was a lot of fun and I also managed to pop in to APE ( Alternative Press Expo ) while in town to. For all the really pretty photos, full credit must go to Aaron Munter and his spiffy camera.
One of my favourite cities of the world. ( despite the fact Bill O'Reilly wants to give the place away to Al Quaeda. )
I cruised the APE con briefly and did a quick signing. Cheers to all who stopped by!
This photo of the Comic Outpost signing was taken by Aaron Munter, as are all these others below.
Templesmith+Robertson=blahblahblah etc
More Templesmith+Robertson=blahblahblah etc
Darick Robertson likes guns.
Stupid pose. Stupid man-boy.
You know if anyone ever needs to put my mug on an interview or anything again, or one of those comic book websites, it should be one of these!
More soon. I still have all my stuff from the Texas convention the week after. For now, deadlines await!
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