Yep, the final installment should be hitting all good comic stores this week. So as a public service announcement, if you wanted one and you don't see a copy on your shelf or in your box, ask your retailer why...and arm yourself with the order code (
SEP084111 ) )you need for them to actually get the thing in. You have to be proactive rather than reactive with the smaller indy stuff. Alas, it is the way of things for the smaller books who are not superman or spider-man. You have to impress upon them that you'll buy the product just so long as they make it available to their customers. I'm sure in these rather worrying economic times they'd appreciate the business to!
If all else fails and you want to know how the story ends, you can grab copies from the
IDW Online store ( #4 will be available once it hits stores soon ) or even
good online retailers.
Anyways, should be out this week. Hope you like the ending! Thanks hugely to all those peeps who've picked it up and said such kind things about it thus far. It's been a fun ride.
Missed some of the previous issues? Well, the order codes for them are:
I just finished it, and absolutely loved it. I think this is your best work so far. I'd love to see a sequel at some point.
I can't wait for your next project, hope it's not too far off.
I've ordered the first three numbers from america mounth by mounth...i will wait for the conclusion!
from italy whit lov
Luca (i'm an independent director, take a look to my movies)
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