The con started out for me in an odd way. Just as everyone starts getting in to San Diego, off I go on the train up to LA for a meeting. Suffice to say it was interesting and really, kind of one of the highlights. Of course, I'm not going to say anything more about it apart from it setting the tone for my con.
Driving from LA to San Diego on preview night with good buds @CaseyMcKinnon and @Rudy. ( check em out on twitter ) Yes, some tosspot bureaucratic moron decided it would be a good idea, when 150,000 people are making their way into town, many by car, to close all but one lane of the freeway. Good on you, whoever you were. I really enjoyed the hour of looking at the backside of some guy's poorly manufactured gas guzzler. Truly American organizational skill at it's finest. Am guessing the transport dept doing the work had no clue the tourism industry was having it's biggest event of the year just down the road. Viva lack of communication/centralization.
Got in just before midnight I think. End of whine. Remember, I'm bitter so you don't have to be.
There was still time for a drink, so why not? The Hyatt was an absolute shambles. Luckily it improved with a secondary bar for the regular nights of the con, but wednesday, 1000 people trying to order drinks from just 3 staff was no fun for anyone. Still, it was a kick off in style.
I guess by about 3am we were hungry. Pretty sure this was the wednesday...err, or thurs..but we got hungry. Highlight for me was finding a really great 24hr diner with decent food and spending some time with @jimmyaquino John "The Train" Cassaday ( he ordered a LOT of gravy ok ) and the lovely Jenny Robb.
We had about a million house guests stay with us over the con. The kitties loved them all and doubled as extra pillows some nights.
At one point during one night, I started drawing on people. Well, they asked me to. So I did. A badly drawn dragony snake thing with a pen that really didn't work. Next year will come prepared.
Had my own little shindig as well, where various foreign & non californian types skulled 3 bottles of tequila and some vodka...and were still up bright and early the next day. So far as I'm aware, no one's stomach got pumped.
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