The con saw various parties of course. Bit sick of all the politics that goes into them to be honest. Maybe that's just me bitching because I don't get invites to most of the "big" ones but I loathe standing in line for hours. They're fun, if you can get in. I heard many tales of rather important comics people not being able to get into a few. The other media types definitely drown us out a bit now. The changing nature of con I guess. Wonder how things will be 5 years from now? This here is the CoC/IDW party. No idea how I even got in, I wasn't on the list! Cheers to Anna-Mariah for that one, who saved our skins. It was jam packed.
Another night there was the EA/UTA/ONI bash...which sounds a bit like it was some sort of United Nations department or something. Great venue and a bit more spacious. Loads of the hollywood types, some of them even really nice. Hung with comics peeps mostly ( Such as the ever swish @Antonyjohnston )and yes, there's some great hollywood comics peeps that really know and dig comics. Really appreciated meeting those sorts.
Here's @AntonyJohnston, my partner in crime on all the Dead Space stuff we've been doing. ( more on that later ) the fantastic Chuck Beaver from EA and Matt Cohen, one of the nicest and most comics friendly/oriented hollywoody types I've ever met at a con. He knows his stuff and was a privilege to hang out. I put him in the Jeff Katz/Eric Lieb realm of greatness.
This is the absolutely charming mofo, @benMcCool. A rather unique individual, all you need is 5 minutes with this bloke and you'll be friends for life. This is the expression you have when you calculate just how much you have drunk during con, yet how much more you've still to go. We may as well buy a brewery or something.
Please note, if you start playing MC Hammer, I cam going to bail on your shitty bar. I paid $5 cover charge to get in only to be abused by this. I was not nearly drunk enough to stick with it. Sorry Whiskey Girl. I did meet great people there before I headed out though. Cam Stewart among them.
Here's one as the big Image panel was about to kick off. Probably the biggest panel I've ever been on. ( I don't count the 30 days movie one since that was hardly about me or stuff I'm doing, that was movie PR ) I was up there with Todd, Rob, The Kirk, ( whom I but briefly met for the first time ) Frank Cho and yes, Tyrese Gibson who brought the crowd to the point of hysteria. Jim Lee also made a guest appearance.
So really, I was the odd guy out. I owe Image big time for that one. Was an honour to be there. We announced CHOKER for Image, with @BenMcCool of course. Even had my own photographer there ( huge cheers @munter ) when I get his pics, I'll yap a bit more about the panel and the launch of CHOKER.
Had so many amazing experiences at the con. Among them, meeting people like the lovely Fryda, who as you can see, rather likes my art enough to put it on her body. Fingers crossed but I did her a giant bat she might use as a large back piece next. To all the fans though, was a pleasure to meet you, or just as often, your proxies who got stuff signed for you. I'm damn lucky to have anyone care enough about my work to want a book signed, let alone adorn their bodies with my scribbles.
We found a... well at first I thought you inserted something else in this, sideways, but apparently it's a hand dryer from the 23rd century or something. I just had dirty thoughts when I saw it.
We marveled at the device for a good 5 minutes before attempting to use it. Sort of like a tribe in the deep amazon the first first time they come into contact with a blue eyed blond person.
The end of the con was a much more mellow affair. I don't normally smoke but I went through most of my cigars this con. There was a lot to celebrate and also look forward to. Lounged about at the Hilton until sleep got the better of us. It was *almost* the perfect end to the con.
Monday saw a final dinner with some of our last guests. @comixace, @benMcCool, m'lady @curiopraxis of course and @andie_t ( Andie Tong ) That there is also the great David Yardin, not sure if he's on twitter. Awesome cover work though, and he's aussie.
The final event of the con period for me was a great lunch with partner in crime McCool as well as @jimlee00 and the lovely @joke2far. I felt horribly impotent as they all tweeted about lunch while I was left there, iPhone in hand with no data plan to use the internet. Maybe I should change this. Imagine *even more* tweets from me. Yeah, do any of us really need that?
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