Yes, this is a long post. Lots of photos. My most mellow one yet really. I took it pretty easy, ( at night ) and didn't even drink that much, but had an awesome time catching up with people I've been meaning to for so long. Plus of course, I did plenty of signings and met a ton of people who I am lucky enough to have as fans of my books. ( Cheers to you all for coming out. )
To all the people who said hi to me at random times as I was walking about, I'm sorry I didn't know your names! Aaaah, so many people at Comic-con I only see once a year, it's bound to happen. I spent much of my time at the IDW booth, but never enough. Next year I hope I'll be basically camped the the entire time instead of racing around to multiple booths for multiple signings when I know most people just turn up at IDW to find me.
Lots of interesting developments this year too, but nothing I can talk about yet. We'll see how they all pan out.
Anyways, another thing I've been meaning to post is a lengthy podcast I did while I was over in Sydney. Check me out here as I run my mouth off on a bunch of stuff and probably get into a lot of trouble. Eh. It's my way. Kryptik Musings Episode 03
Now, onto the con photos. I had a fake homosexual encounter on the con floor. I vandalized a baby and I nearly got a spanking from Stan Lee.
Before the madness of 125000 people start assaulting the convention floor.
The IDW Publishing booth. My home away from the office.
Ash Wood and the IDW Booth suddenly got very busy.
Yes, there's a few of my hard to find Poppycock sketchbooks now available in the Dallas area, at Comic Asylum. Details on the card in the picture obviously. You can't get these things anywhere else except off me in person practically!
My art agent, ( Mark Hay ) actually owns and runs the store.
I drawed on him.
Crotch powah.
The city of San Diego is run by retards who refuse to put in even one pedestrian bridge to allow some of the 125000 people find another way across the train tracks to the city from the con, other than the one bottlenecked road crossing.
City planners don't actually exist in America, it seems.
Yes, that's a giant robot.
Brainchild of the Uber Talented Ashley Wood and his World war robot range of toys/artbooks.
Yep, my Hoxford thingy is a little behind the bot, but there it is.
I told him to bend over and take it like a man.
So he did.
Vandalizing a child.
Vandalizing a child.
William Morris Party. More than any other place, they actually had enough staff to actually SERVE people. Who'd have thought you'd need people like that at a PARTY?
Yeah, that's Stan Lee.
IDW party rapidly spilled into the street. That means it must've been a good party.
Preparation for SDCC 2009 has already begun!
Next up, a bunch of new art I can now show thanks to things being announced at SDCC.
1 comment:
SDCC '09...see you there, I blogged about thanks mainly to Twitter, this year was the closest I got to actually being SDCC '09, money permitting I'm crossing the Ocean.
Though I'm gonna head to two cons in the UK first, including meeting your wonderful self down in London. ;)
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